
Showing posts from September 22, 2024

Happy 70th Birthday Bishop David Oyedepo

Happy 70th Birthday Bishop David Oyedepo! Your exemplary leadership is apt!   You are our director, Our elevator, our mentor, Our minister, our counselor, Our rector , our motivator, our pastor and our Bishop! We are amazed and dazed At the wisdom you display And portray everyday Your passion to win souls to God is heavenly! We affirm that your indeed God's sent to our generation! You are known for the excellent delivery Of God’s word  Your ministry is indeed an example to many. May the Lord bless you and keep you May the lord cause his face to shine upon you And be gracious unto you May the Lord lift up his countenance unto you And give peace to you! Once again, Happy birthday daddy!! From: Maureen Nkechi Dinzei

Consonant /3/ and /d3/

  Consonant/3/ and /d3/ When you say consonant /3/, the end of your tongue curves back behind the tooth ridge to make a light contact with it while air pushes through the gap. It is a voiced consonant sound. It's spelling forms include genre, beige, bourgeois, measure, leisure, seizure, regime, prestige, treasure, pleasure, television, illusion, provision, explosion, etc. On the other hand, consonant /d3/ is pronounced when the top blade and sides of the tongue touch the tooth ridge. At the same time, the front of the tongue is raised towards the hard part of the roof of the mouth to stop air from going out , then moves back to release the air. It is a voiced consonant sound. Examples include: Jane, just, enjoy,reject, gist,magic, cage, midget, grudges, ledger, refrigerator, adjacent, adjudicate, adjust, suggest, exaggerate, education, gradual, soldier, etc.


Changing Positive Statement to Negative Statements Negative statements can simply be changed by adding 'not', 'never' to a sentence. Negative sentences have the opposite meaning to positive sentences. For example: Positive: I am used to reading all night. Negative : I am not used to reading all night. Positive: Abubakar sometimes drives his father's car. Negative: Abubakar never drives his father's car. The most important negative word is not . The word not makes a whole clause negative. It's short form is n't. Examples: do not - don't has not- hasn't  cannot- can't  will not- won't  Other negative words include: neither, neither...nor, never, no, nobody, nothing, nowhere, no one, etc. Evaluation: Change the following positive sentences to negative sentences: Laura likes football. The film had started. My sister reads newspaper. It can be done. He is gentle.


  Adverbs Adverbs refers to a part of speech that modifies verbs in sentences. Types of Adverbs Adverb of time : This is an adverb that tells us when an event occurs. E.g The new manager resumed later. Adverb of place He left there. Adverb of manner The boys spoke loudly Adverb of frequency  E.g The children visit their parents occasionally. Adverb of degree  The citizens were tremendously impressed by the efforts of the government. Adverb of interrogation  Why were you running? Adverb of Affirmation I will definitely attend the party. Adverb of Negation I do not know the answer. Evaluation Identify the type of adverbs in the following sentences: She has curly blond hair and blue eyes. We happily sang a birthday song for Sandra. She jumped up suddenly and left the room. It was a magnificently beautiful performance. He always write slowly. She worked carefully with the sick child.