W.A.E.C. PRACTICE QUESTIONS By: Dinzei Maureen Marris

W.A.E.C. Practice Questions (Paper 1) By: Dinzei Maureen Marris Section A Answer one question only from this section. Your answer should not be less than 450 words Your sister wants to marry a man from another ethnic group against your mother's wishes. Write a letter to your mother giving at least three reasons why she should accept your sister's decision. The rising incidence of road traffic accidents nowadays is alarming. In an article suitable for publication in an international magazine, discuss at least three factors responsible for this and suggest ways of dealing with the problem. There has been public outcry against the escalating prices of foodstuffs in your area. Write a letter to your representative in the House of Assembly, stating the causes of the increase and suggesting ways of improving the situation. Your school's Literary and Debating Society has organized a debate on the topic: "The Television is Doing More Harm Than Good to Our Youths". Wr...