Words for the Week
Words for the Week 1. Atheist: A person who does not believe in a particular deity. 2. difference: a disagreement or argument, minus, etc. 3. twelfth: one of twelve equal parts of a whole. 4. pronunciation: The standard way in which a word is made to sound when spoken. 5. Perseverance: persistent determination to adhere to a plan f direction, to endure. 6. dilemma: a circumstance in which a choice must be made between two or more alternatives. 7. site: a location 8. recommend: to make acceptable, to endorse. 9. colonel: a commissioned officer 10. controversy: a debate, discussion, strife. Week 2 a. The Schwa sound /ə/ To make the /ə/ sound, the centre of your tongue is raised towards the area between the hard and soft parts of the roof of your mouth. Your lips are neutrally spread and no firm contact is made between the sides of your tongue and your upper side teeth when you say /ə/. It is a short vowel sound. It's spelling forms are: a- about, above, extra, e- latent, patent, gar...