Consonant /3/ and /d3/

 Consonant/3/ and /d3/

When you say consonant /3/, the end of your tongue curves back behind the tooth ridge to make a light contact with it while air pushes through the gap. It is a voiced consonant sound. It's spelling forms include genre, beige, bourgeois, measure, leisure, seizure, regime, prestige, treasure, pleasure, television, illusion, provision, explosion, etc.

On the other hand, consonant /d3/ is pronounced when the top blade and sides of the tongue touch the tooth ridge. At the same time, the front of the tongue is raised towards the hard part of the roof of the mouth to stop air from going out , then moves back to release the air. It is a voiced consonant sound. Examples include: Jane, just, enjoy,reject, gist,magic, cage, midget, grudges, ledger, refrigerator, adjacent, adjudicate, adjust, suggest, exaggerate, education, gradual, soldier, etc.


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