ACGSS Alumni Reunion 2.0

Army Cantonment Girls Alumni Reunion 2018 The Journey So Far Army Cantonment Girls Alumni Reunion didn't start today the 8th of December 2018. It started about eight years ago with Fawale Deborah Suleman who saw a need for us to re-unite and then went ahead to create a Facebook page with the name " ACGSS EX STUDENT" . The Facebook page started on a very low key with few alumni but today we can boast of about two hundred members and still counting! As time went on we saw a need to organize a reunion party where every alumni will converge in a location to reunite and share experience after so many years of graduation. The idea came to reality in November 2015 when Dinzei Maureen (Blozzom Everyday) one of the alumni created a WhatsApp group with the name "A.C.G.S.S. Alumni" for easy communication and easy planning of the reunion party. Finally the maiden edition of the reunion party took place on the 25th of December, 2015 at Sultan Beach Badagr...