
Adverbs refers to a part of speech that modifies verbs in sentences.

Types of Adverbs

Adverb of time: This is an adverb that tells us when an event occurs. E.g

The new manager resumed later.

Adverb of place

He left there.

Adverb of manner

The boys spoke loudly

Adverb of frequency 

E.g The children visit their parents occasionally.

Adverb of degree 

The citizens were tremendously impressed by the efforts of the government.

Adverb of interrogation 

Why were you running?

Adverb of Affirmation

I will definitely attend the party.

Adverb of Negation

I do not know the answer.


Identify the type of adverbs in the following sentences:

She has curly blond hair and blue eyes.

We happily sang a birthday song for Sandra.

She jumped up suddenly and left the room.

It was a magnificently beautiful performance.

He always write slowly.

She worked carefully with the sick child.


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