The Mirror By Augus Obinna Chukwuka I did not know That life is like A mirror beneath the Sun I did not know That there is A mirror in A still and clean Water I did not know That first mirror Of every man is First his conscience And then his clan I did not know That the main Work of a mirror Is to make-believe Of that which is real? I did not know A broken mirror Is far from a broken image But a broken image stands Broken before a mirror I did not know That the shadow Of a substance Cast by the sun Upon a curious soil or sea Is best mirror Of the year! Background of the Poem A mirror is a piece of glass that reflects images, something that shows what another thing is like in a very clear and accurate way. However, the poem reflects the true self of human kind. The poem is likened to an axiom that says, "the you you see is the you you are". The mirror cannot change the person's character; it only reflects the original image o the looker. But the person will...