Words for the Week

Words for the Week

1. Atheist: A person who does not believe in a particular deity.

2. difference: a disagreement or argument, minus, etc.

3. twelfth: one of twelve equal parts of a whole.

4. pronunciation: The standard way in which a word is made to sound when spoken.

5. Perseverance: persistent determination to adhere to a plan f direction, to endure.

6. dilemma: a circumstance in which a choice must be made between two or more alternatives.

7. site: a location

8. recommend: to make acceptable, to endorse.

9. colonel: a commissioned officer 

10. controversy: a debate, discussion, strife.

Week 2

a. The Schwa sound /ə/

To make the /ə/ sound, the centre of your tongue is raised towards the area between the hard and soft parts of the roof of your mouth. Your lips are neutrally spread and no firm contact is made between the sides of your tongue and your upper side teeth when you say /ə/. It is a short vowel sound. It's spelling forms are:

a- about, above, extra,

e- latent, patent, garden, etc.

er- butter, alter, daughter, cater, shelter, paper,

re- metre, litre, centre,lustre, etc.

i- possible, feasible, invisible, edible, etc.

o- police, pilot, oblige, zealot, offend,etc.

or- pastor, horror, tailor, doctor, sailor, manor, etc.

our- colour, rigour, labour, favour, parlour, neighbour, etc.

ure- measure, figure, future, nature, treasure, etc.

ou- jealous l, porous, riotous, frivolous, nervous, riotous, etc.

u- support, succumb, etc.


Give five words each in which the vowel /ə/ are spelt as 'er', 'or' and 'ure'

c. Comprehension Passage on Danger Signs on our roads (Page 4 of New Concept English for Junior Secondary Schools, Book 3)


Comprehension Question: 

a.Mention three things that danger signs warn people of.

b. What is the normal shape of many road signs?

c. Why are road signs critical at night?

d. What do traffic warning signs usually indicate?


a. Three things that danger signs warn people of are: 

I) It warns drivers of people walking in the streets

ii) It warns people of highway ends,

iii) It warns people of bumps ahead.

b) The normal shape of many road signs is an equilateral triangle with a white background and a thick red border.

c. Road signs are critical at night so as to avoid accidents on the road.

d. Traffic warning signs usually indicate that traffic lights are ahead.

C. Words for the Week 

a. forfeit: to lose something.

b.ghastly: very frightening and unpleasant 

c. genuine: real, not artificial.

d. inflammation: a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, painful and swollen.

e. interrupt: to say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or doing.

f. khaki: a strong yellow-brown cloth used especially for making military uniforms.

g. lambaste: to attack or criticism somebody especially in public.

h. hierarchy: a system, especially in a society or an organization in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest.

grammar: This refers to the rules in a language for changing the form of words and joining them into sentences.


Make ten sentences using the new words listed above.


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