1.      The boy may be culpable but his brother is surely ---------- (a) innocent (b) ignorant (c) accountable (d) honest

2.      Our class teacher used to be rigid in his opinions but he is now ------- of other people’s views. (a) wary (b) critical (c) apprise (d) tolerant

3.      Some workers were quite affable at the meeting but their leader was rather--------- (a) guarded (b) cautious (c) suspicious (d) antagonistic

4.      The manager was eulogized for his speech while his assistant was ------- (a) discouraged (b) criticized (c) appraised (d) denounced

5.      The driver believed he would be castigated by all the passengers but he was --------- (a) encouraged (b) exonerated (c) commended (d) released

6.      Some people are generous towards strangers, while others are-------- towards them. (a) indifferent (b) sympathetic (c) nasty (d) mean

7.      The baby who had all along been calm suddenly became…. (a) restless (b) hungry (c) angry (d) cheerful

8.      While Ade is --------- his wife is quite self-effacing (a) aggressive (b) lousy (c) conceited (d) unfriendly

9.      Bakary is a prudent husband while Musa is --------- (a) mean (b) extravagant (c) thoughtful (d) mindless


From the words lettered A-D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

10.  The incumbent chairman won the election by a ------ of twenty votes. (a) surplus (b) consensus (c) space (d) margin

11.  Since all items on the agenda had been discussed, the meeting was -------- (a) dismissed (b) suspended (c) adjourned (d) dissolved

12.  The police explained that all the aggrieved persons should seek -------- in the court of law. (a) redress (b) litigation (c) address (d) restoration

13.  Our principal has a large ------ of cows (a) gang (b) herd (c) skein (d) flock

14.  The first storey building in Nigeria stands as a historic ------- (a) effigy (b) artefact (c) monument (d) edifice

15.  I returned from the vacation refreshed and -------- (a) rejuvenated (b) revived (c) reloaded (d) remodelled

16.   I returned from the vacation refreshed and --------- (a) (b) (c) (d)

17.  She was advised to see a --------------- because she had an unusual skin disease. (a) cardiologist (b) dermatologist (c) gynaecologist (d) ophthalmologist

18.  The doctor’s --------- was that the patient was suffering from cancer (a) prediction (b) prescription (c) diagnosis (d) analysis

19.  Tom’s father gave him a valuable gift as an ------- to make him work harder in school. (a) incentive (b) attraction (c) interest (d) offer

20.  We have not yet heard the weather ------- (a) forecast (b) broadcast (c) prediction (d) announcement

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretation is given. Choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for each sentence.

21.  Ojo was cautioned not to jangle the old man’s nerve. This means that Ojo was cautioned not to (a) harass the old man (b) annoy the old man (c) disturb the old man (d) tease the old man

22.  Amina was completely swept off her feet the first time she met Gabriel. This means that she (a) fell deeply in love (b) was pleasantly surprised (c) disturb the old man (d) tease the old man

23.  His responses showed that he kept abreast of events in the country. This means that he was (a) mindful of events (b) involved in events (c) well-informed about events (d) curious about events

24.  Our school is the last but one on the rod. This means that our school is (a) the very last building (b) one of the last buildings (c) the one after the last (d) the one before the last

25.  The new shopping plaza is easy on the eye. This means that the shopping plaza is ------- (a) grandiose (b) cool (c) attractive (d) expensive

26.  That nonchalant attitude of Jonah really gets my goat. This means that Jonah’s attitude (a) baffles me (b) irritates me (c) amazes me (d) amuses me

27.  A good friend is supposed to be with you through thick and thin. This means that a good friend should (a) be prepared for any eventuality (b) stand by you in good and bad times (c) accompany you anywhere you go (d) always advise you

28.  Willy has been under the weather for some days. This means that Willy has been (a) sad (b) ill (c) in the rain (d) outside the country

29.  Taya was beaten at his own game. This means that (a) Taya’s strategies were leaked (b) Taya missed the target (c) Taya forgot his own tactics (d) Taya’s methods were used to defeat him

30.  We never believed that Father would pull through that fever. This means that we did not believe that he would (a) recover from the sickness (b) acquire immunity to the fever (c) die from the sickness (d) suffer so long


From the words lettered A-D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.

31.  It was apparent that John damaged the desk. (a) noticed (b) evident (c) recognized (d) acknowledged

32.  Some of the merchant’s goods were impounded by the customs officers. (a) intercepted (b) delayed (c) confiscated (d) screened

33.  My trust in Abah suddenly began to wane. (a) dissipate (b) disappear (c) deteriorate (d) decrease

34.  Some believe it is ominous for the owl to perch on the roof of a house (a) forbidden (b) portentous (c) prophetic (d) suspicious

35.  The new shopping mall is on the fringe of the town. (a) limit (b) outside (c) middle (d) edge

36.  The supervisor spurned the offer of help from the cleaner. (a) rebuffed (b) denied (c) defied (d) refuted

37.  I have eventually found the book (a) actually (b) lately (c) presently (d) finally

38.  It is not good for a child to be unduly inquisitive (a) naughty (b) playful (c) curious (d) troublesome

39.  Kofi is rather audacious; he jumps off high fences (a) daring (b) smart (c) active (d) agile

40.  The criminal approached the crowd menacingly (a) stealthily (b) cunningly (c) calculatedly (d) threateningly

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.    

41.  He said that they ---------- painting the house by then. (a) will have finished (b) would have finished (c) will finish (d) would finish

42.  I will wear my -------- dress to the dance (a) blue silk new (b) blue new silk (c) new blue silk (d) silk blue new

43.  If I --------- an eagle, I would fly to distant lands. (a) was (b) were (c) am (d) be

44.  The teacher needs -------- to write the note on the chalkboard (a) chalks (b) a chalk (c) some chalk (d) many chalks

45.  The man said that he --------- (a) had eaten there the previous day (b) ate here yesterday (c) has eaten there before (d) had eaten there yesterday

46.  To be healthy, we need to eat a ----------- diet every day (a) balanced (b) complete (c) mixed (d) delicious

47.  I can rustle ------- an omelette- at least (a) out (b) up (c) on (d) off

48.  Banku was ------- unhappy after the fight (a) very (b) too (c) much (d) such

49.  Everything would be --------- (a) greatly (b) considerably (c) strongly (d) most

50.  The boot of my new car was --------- in the accident (a) cracked (b) dented (c) chipped (d) marked

51.  Parents should create an environment ------- their children can grow. (a) in which (b) what (c) from where (d) in that

52.  In spite of their shortcomings, we cannot ------ admire them. (a) yet (b) though (c) but (d) however

53.  Amadi’s plan ------- at the last moment (a) fell down (b) fell on (c) fell through (d) fell off

54.  You think I am hungry, -------? (a) am I? (b) don’t you? (c) aren’t I (d) isn’t it

55.  Maria -------- tears when she was told that she failed the final examination (a) broke to (b) broke up (c) broke with (d) broke into

56.  Jide ------- before I arrived. (a) could have eat (b) had  eaten (c) must had eaten (d) have eaten

57.  He claimed to be an expert, but he knew next to ------- about it. (a) everything (b) nothing (c) something (d) anything

58.  ------ the textbooks, he advised his daughter to face her studies (a) having being to buy (b) having bought (c) having buying (d) having been bought

59.  Deficiency ------- just one essential vitamin may cause illness (a) on (b) in (c) from (d) for

60.  This is the -------- he has submitted his assignment since joining the class (a) early (b) later (c) earliest (d) lately

61.  It is wise to -------- with what one has rather than go borrowing (a) make up (b) make out (c) make do (d) make over

62.  The teacher was --------- hasty in meting out punishment. (a) more (b) much (c) scarcely (d) somewhat

63.  Everybody should treat their parents with respect, -----? (a) should they (b) shouldn’t they? (c) shouldn’t we (d) should we

64.  The experienced clerk found herself at -------- (a) a crossroads (b) some crossroads (c) a crossroads (d) the crossroad

65.  We are playing ------ the problems of the company. (a) off (b) up (c) out (d) down

66.  You ----- have walked home alone so late at night (a) would not (b) might not (c) ought not to (d) need not to

67.  Did you notice that the ------ had been removed? (a) price’s tag (b) price tag (c) prices tag (d) prices’ tag

68.  One has to be careful of ------ friends (a) his (b) their (c) your (d) one’s

69.  It is mandatory that consumables should have ------ dates (a) sell-by (b) sell-out (c) sell-off (d) sell-on

70.  Don’t judge the boy ------ his past. (a) from (b) at (c) by (d) for


In the following passage, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below the passage, four options are given in columns lettered A to D. Choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gaps in the passage.

The ----71---- of the local government chairman would soon elapse. This means there would be an election soon. This will commence with the selection of -----72---- by registered political parties, who will present their –73—to the public to inform them of their intentions when they assume office. The process of ---74--- for votes has a timeframe. Voting is usually done by universal ---75--, which means that every citizen above eighteen is ---76—to vote provided he/she is duly registered and has a valid voter’s card.

On the day of the election, the voters will go to the polling ---77--, go through the voter’s register for ---78—before casting their votes for the person of their choice. The counting of votes will be done by the –79—under the supervision of party agents. At the end of the exercise, the winner will be ---80--.

A                     B                     C                     D                    

71. Period                    reign                tenure              era

72.candidates              aspirants          applicants        competitors    

73. promises                speech             mandate          manifestoes

74. lobbying                canvassing       buying             driving

75. suffrage                 right                 charter             declaration

76.recommended        approved         eligible             suitable

77.booths                    boxes               stations            compartments

78. endorsement          accreditation   validation        approval

79. presiding officer    returning officer registration officer electoral agent  

80.chosen                    appointed        announced       called



1.      B

2.      A

3.      D

4.      D

5.      C

6.      B

7.      D

8.      A

9.      B

10.  D

11.  D

12.  C

13.  B

14.  B

15.  C

16.  A





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