From the options lettered A-E, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined

1.      cut (a) butcher (b) curve (c) pouch (d) pull (e) touch

2.      street (a) might (b) stress (c) way (d) weak (e) white

3.      cake (a) head (b) quick (c) spear (d) task (e) wait

4.      card (a) bat (b) cat (c) class (d) glad (e) hat

5.      fair (a) fear (b) here (c) peal (d) pear (e) sheer

6.      bounce (a) battle (b) down (c) grower (d) modern (e) push

7.      whom (a) bull (b) lose (c) rush (d) wood (e) would

8.      height (a) earth (b) fright (c) hefty (d) there (e) yet

9.      coin (a) blow (b) cook (c) foot (d) look (e) voice

10.  hurt (a) birth (b) hate (c) hot (d) karate (e) rush

11.  act (a) art (b) drain (c) lark (d) pace (e) plan

12.  bought (a) grouse (b) horse (c) know (d) soup (e) worse

13.  look (a) cool (b) crust (c) cushion (d) loss (e) luck

14.  audio (a) blow (b) caution (c) dangerous (d) found (e) weapon

15.  stiff (a) beat (b) crime (c) motive (d) plead (e) shirt


From the options lettered A-E, choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letters underlined

16.  theme (a) smooth (b) thigh (c) this (d) though (e) weather

17.  habit (a) climb (b) debt (c) neighbour (d) plumb (e) thumb

18.  midwife (a) flaw (b) knowledge (c) lawn (d) lawyer (e) overwhelm

19.  inherit (a) exhaust (b) ghetto (c) honest (d) hour (e) house

20.  fetch (a) ache (b) chameleon (c) legacy (d) mixture (e) shirt

21.  anchor (a) ancestor (b) batch (c) chemical (d) cyber (e) detach

22.  junior (a) languish (b) mogul (c) navigate (d) plague (e) singe

23.  nurse (a) bunk (b) gangster (c) handkerchief (d) know (e) sing

24.  hug (a) exact (b) giant (c) hedge (d) reign (e) sign

25.  zoo (a) excessive (b) issue (c) massive (d) price (e) visible

26.  father (a) method (b) neither (c) path (d) theatre (e) worth

27.  patient (a) chaos (b) festivity (c) fortuitous (d) patent (e) shame

28.  pistol (a) disease (b) erase (c) fuse (d) inquisitive (e) pestle

29.  bang (a) anger (b) ban (c) damn (d) now (e) stony

30.  parched (a) glisten (b) listen (c) option (d) parent (e) portion

Choose from the options lettered A-E the one that rhymes with the word given

31.  quay (a) frail (b) key (c) pray (d) purl (e) rail

32.  disgrace (a) disclose (b) displeased (c) express (d) facade (e) misplace

33.  stream (a) cream (b) late (c) skin (d) time (e) vain

34.  door (a) bore (b) cure (c) goose (d) hoof (e) port

35.  shrew (a) coo (b) mow (c) raw (d) though (e) throw

Choose from options lettered A-E the one that shows the correct given. In each word, only one syllable has the main/primary stress and the syllable is written in capital letters

36.  interchangeable (a) IN-ter-change-a-ble (b) in-TER-change-a-ble (c) in-ter-CHANGE- -ble (d) in-ter-change-A-ble (e) in-ter-change-a-ble

37.  professionally (a) PRO-fes-sion-al-ly (b) pro- FES-sion-al-ly (c) pro-fes-SION-al-ly (d) pro-fes-SION-al-ly   (e) pro-fes-sion-al-LY

38.  excommunicate (a) EX-com-mu-ni-cate (b) ex-COM-mu-ni-cate (c) ex-com-MU-ni-cate (d) ex-com-NU-cate (e) ex-com-mu-ni-CATE

39.  institutional (a) IN-sti-tu-tion-al (b) in-STI-tu-tion-al (c) in-sti-tu-TION-al (d) in-sti-TU-tion-al (e) in-sti-tu-tion-AL

40.  accommotion (a) AC-com-mo-da-tion (b) ac-COM-mo-da-tion (c) ac-com-MO-da-tion (d) ac-com-mo-DA-tion (e) ac-com-mo-da-TION

Choose from the options lettered A-E the one that has a different stress pattern from the other four

41.  (a) dummy (b) envelope (c) famous (d) mistake (e) quarry

42.  (a) manure (b) public (c) searing (d) strangler (e) trowel

43.  (a) balloon (b) discrete (c) dispense (d) example (e) historic

44.  (a) eloquent (b) flattery (c) solicitor (d) technical (e) ultimate

45.  (a) infinite (b) mincemeat (c) plausible (d) rhythm (e) salute

Choose from the options lettered A-E the question that is best answered by the statement containing the stressed word which is written in capital letters

46.  The idea he presented was COMPLEX (a) was the ide he presented simple? (b) Was the idea he presented complex? (c) Was the idea she presented simple? (d) Was the proposal he presented complex? (e) Was the theory he presented complex?

47.  The manager promised to compensate all DEDICATED staff. (a) Did the chairman promise to sack all dedicated staff? (b) Did the manager initiate programmes to compensate all dedicated staff? (c) Did the manager promise to commend all dedicated staff? (d) Did the manager promise to compensate all lazy staff? (e) Did the manager retire all dedicated staff?

48.  He was the ANTAGONIST in the novel (a) was he the antagonist in the drama? (b) Was he the antagonist in the film? (c) Was he the antagonist in the novel? (d) Was he the protagonist in the novel? (e) Was she the antagonist in the novel?

49.  English language is a MAJOR subject in the secondary school. (a) Is English language a major   (b) is English language a major subject in the primary school? (c) is English language a major subject in the university? (d) is English language a minor subject in the secondary school? (e) Is Mathematics a major subject in the secondary school?

50.  The WOMEN were responsible for our success on the job. (a) Were the men responsible for our success on the job? (b) Were the women responsible for our failure on the job? (c) Were the women responsible for our success on the job? (d) Were the women responsible for our success on the project? (e) Were the women responsible for their success on the job?


Choose from the options lettered A-E the one that contains the sound segment represented by the given phonetic symbol

51.  /z/ (a) dash (b) flush (c) hooves (d) master (e) vessel

52.  /ꝋ/ (a) attract (b) brother (c) defeat (d) faith (e) rather

53.  /ᶺ/ (a) bankrupt (b) endure (c) health (d) row (e) true

54.  /ꝺu/ (a) burrow (b) choice (c) jubilee (d) outcry (e) toe

55.  /i:/ (a) antiseptic (b) beseech (c) digest (d) emotion (e) punish

56.  /ꬼ/ (a) avenue (b) cunning (c) inspection (d) oven (e) sullen

57.  /ꭍ/ (a) addiction (b) physical (c) soldier (d) virus (e) wedge

58.  /ꝺ/ (a) ablaze (b) plate (c) tape (d) usage (e) yield

59.  /ei/ (a) carton (b) invoice (c) kindle (d) marker (e)

60.  /au/ (a) household (b) primate (c) search (d) ultra (e) wasp



  1. A
  2. D
  3. E
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. E
  10. A
  11. E
  12. B
  13. C
  14. E
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. E
  19. E
  20. D
  21. C
  22. E
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. C
  28. D
  29. A
  30. D
  31. B
  32. E
  33. A
  34. A
  35. E
  36. C
  37. B
  38. C
  39. C
  40. D
  41. D
  42. B
  43. E
  44. B
  45. A
  46. A
  47. D
  48. D
  49. D
  50. A
  51. C
  52. D
  53. A
  54. E
  55. E
  56. B
  57. A
  58. A
  59. E
  60. A




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