Short Story Writing

 Short Story Writing

A story is a narration or recitation of that which has occurred. It can also be referred to a description of past events, history or a statement.

                           TIPS ON WRITING A STORY 

1 Understand your topic before you begin to write on it.

2.; Prepare an outline of your ideas 

3. Develop your points in paragraph 

4.Put punctuation marks where necessary.

5. Correct spelling of words is essential.

Guidelines to Short Story Writing

1. Title: Your story must have a title.

2. Introduction: Begin by writing the introductory paragraph. This should attract the readers attention and show the focus of your story.

3. Body of the essay: In the body of the story you must narrate or explain depending on the type of story you are writing on .

4. Conclusion 

Class Work

The following sentences contain the main point in the story. Choose the correct words to fill in the spaces. Using quality, traders, stalls, price, bargaining.

Mrs. Obasola lives in a small town with small shops and a market. Oha usually does her shopping in the market. Why does she shop in the market.

In the market, she sells all the drinks and vegetables. ---1-- are close together, so I can compare the ----2---- and prices of the produce for sale. Because I know the ---3---well, I can give each one's last ----4---- so -----5---- is quick and easy and we soon agreed on the price.


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