

 A diphthong is a sequence of two vowel sounds. This means that in order to produce a diphthong, the tongue glides (moves) from the position of a pure vowel into the position of another pure vowel.

Diphthongs are eight in number and they include:

1. Diphthong/ei/: To pronounce this sound, there is a move from vowel /e/ to /I/. It's spelling forms include: 

a- sadism, radiation, data, etc.

ai- fail, nail, sail, etc.

ay- day, lay, say, etc.

ei-eight, feign, reign, etc.

ey, obey, prey, etc.

2. Vowel /əʊ/: To pronounce this sound, there is a movement from/ə/ to /u/. It's spelling forms are:

o- go, no, pole, etc.

oa-boat, soap, coat, etc.

ou- soul, mould, etc.

ow-slow, blow, flow, etc.

3 .Diphthong /ai/: To pronounce this sound, there is a movement from vowel  /a/ to vowel  /I/.

It's spelling forms are: 

e-eye, etc.

i- time, fine, shine, etc. 

ie-lie, pie, tie, etc.

igh- light, high, right, etc.

uy,- buy, etc.

y-by, fly, shy, etc.

ye-bye, dye, etc.


Identify the words that has these diphthongs /ai/, /əu/ and /ei/ in the following sentences:

1.Do not let the goat go through the gate.

2.Time flies and water flows.

3. I like the lakeside.

4. Always obey your teacher.

5. He reigns under the sea.


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