Consonants/j/, /l/, /r/ and /f/

 Consonants/l/, /j/, /r/, and /f/

Consonant Sounds are sounds produced from the mouth with an obstruction of air from the lungs. There are 24 consonant sounds in English language. Some of them include:

1. Consonant/j/: This is a voiced consonant and always appear before a vowel. It is mostly spelt with 'y'. E.g young, university, due, yawn, yes, eulogy, view, ewe, new, etc.

2. Consonant/l/: It is called a lateral consonant and it is a voiced consonant. E.g last, class, glue, allow, collide, etc. 

3. Consonant /f/: This is a voiceless consonant  and when pronounced, it is faint. E.g fan, graph, cough, photograph, physics, difficult, different, fat, ferry etc.

4. Consonant /r/:This sound is called the lateral consonant sound. It is a voiced consonant. Its spelling forms are:

r- rite, freeze, ram, etc.

rr- carry, arrest, ferry, etc.

rh-rhyme, rhapsody, rhema, etc.


From the words lettered A-D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letters underlined.

  1. wright (a) fire (b) ban (c) cry (d) there
  2. rhetoric (a) clear (b) share (c) arrest (d) arm
  3. farm (a) phantom (b) drama (c) Harry (d) door
  4. slow (a) palm (b) calm (c) loot (d) but 
  5. callous (a) could (b) should (c) would (d) plate


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