Popular Quotes By Bishop David Oyedepo Winners @ 43

 Bishop David Oyedepo's Popular Quotes By: Dinzei Maureen Marris 

1. "Every living creature possess the wisdom of his kind."

2. "Divine wisdom is the applied knowledge of the truth."

3. "Heaven's view of a challenge is different from man's view of that same challenge."

4. "When you stop pressing, you will be oppressed."

5. "God does not back up tricks, he backs up truths."

6. "You can't be grateful and not be joyful and you can't be joyful and not be graceful."

7. "There is no world champion that doesn't get punches."

8. "Faith substantiates things expected into reality."

9. " Information goes into your information bank but revelation transforms your life."

10. "To keep shining, you must keep fuelling."

11. "A disconnection from Zion is a risk."

12. "Life is a journey, destiny is a process."

13. "Every covenant delivers on the platform of love."

14. "A heart for God gives our prayers a pathway to God."

15. " Consistency in our covenant work with God brings about a change of level."

16. "Giving is not a financial donation to help God but a spiritual transaction between the heavens and the earth which commits God to unleash his heavenly blessings on us."

17. "The word of God is a manual for maximizing destiny."

18. "The bible is not a mystical book to be conjured but for application."

19. "Serving God with your resources is the gateway to riches."

20. "Be faithful in the little and God will take you to the realm of lasting wealth."

21. "Whatever you claim to believe and it does not move you is fake."

22. "You will never find a self made man, you must connect to those who carry what you need."

23. "It takes your faith at work to secure your place in life."

24. "Revelation is our access to the the power of his resurrection."

25. "It is not unspiritual to be confronted but it is uncovenant to be defeated."

26. "Until we choose to do what  he says we should do, then we can commit his integrity to do what he says he will do."

27. "When faith is actively at work, Satan is out of business."

28. "Those who make news don't watch them."

29. "Anything that scares you, move towards it and you will conquer it."

30. God's word puts faith in our hearts but the trigger will not work until you apply a force."

31. "Any truth you don't obey, you have not believed it."

32. "Without a sound , you will never command a sign."

33. "You can't overcome any problem you exaggerate."

34. " Do not let anyone despise what you carry."

35. "If you say it boldly, God will confirm it openly."

36. "You can't change level without changing your lifestyle."

37. "You must keep feeding on the word to remain relevant in the kingdom."

38. "Procrastination is a killer of destiny."

39. "God does not reward overseers or title holders, he rewards stewardship and service."

40. "When you get on-the-go for Christ, you secure his favour."

41. "A revival is a move of the spirit of God that rescues people from age-long bondages."

42. "Your salvation battery must be constantly charged."

43. "No one goes forward without taking steps."


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