Aspectual Difference in Verbs

Aspect tells us the manner in which the verbal action is experienced. That is, it tells us whether the action is completed or in progress. Thus, aspect cannot be separated from tense as they are closely related. English language identifies two aspects which are the progressive (imperfective) and the perfective.

1: Progressive or Imperfective Aspect of a Verb: This aspect is realized when a verbal group in a sentence contains a form of the verb 'be' plus the 'ing' form of the lexical verb. The progressive aspect shows that the action expressed in the verb is continuous.


a. The boy is eating the food. (Present tense, progressive aspect)

b. The boy was eating the food (past tense, progressive aspect)

c. We are reading our books. (Present tense, progressive aspect)

d. We were reading our books. (Past tense, progressive aspect)

2. Perfective Aspect of a Verb: This aspect is realized when a verbal group in a sentence contains the form of the verb 'have' plus 'ed/en' form of the lexical verb. The perfective aspect shows that the action expressed in the verb is completed.


1. She has written the note. (Present tense, perfective aspect)

2. She had written the note. (Past tense, perfective aspect)

3. The man has done the work. (Present tense, perfective aspect)

4. The man had done the work. (Past tense, perfective aspect)

Note: Progressive and perfective aspect of verbs can be combined in a sentence.


a. They have been writing the letter. (Present tense, perfective and progressive aspect).

b. They had been writing the letter. (Past tense, perfective and progressive aspect).

c. She has been sleeping. (Present tense, perfective and Progressive aspect).

d. She had been sleeping. (Past tense, perfective and progressive aspect).



Separate the verbal elements in these sentences into their tenses and aspectual forms:

1. I am dancing to the music.

2. He has seen what he came for.

3. The job has been completed since last year.

4. She has travelled abroad since last month.

5. He had been rejected as the captain of the class.


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