Test of Orals (Paper 3) Practical Examination Questions By: Dinzei Maureen Marris

Test of Orals Practical Examination Questions

From the words lettered A-D choose the word that have the same vowel/consonant sound as the one represented below: 

1. /i/ (a) market (b) beige (c) seat (d) kite 
2. /e/ (a) washed (b) careless (c) chalet (d) many 
3. /Ƌi/ (a) play (b) bye (c) gait (d)crate. 
4. /ᴧ/ (a) favour (b) bull (c) took (d) son 
5. /ei/ (a) foreign (b) height (c) great (d) leak 
6. /ʤ/ (a) cheer (b) general (c) dagger (d) feature 
7. /g/ (a) reign (b) paradigm (c) gnaw (d) cognate 
8. /b/ (a) fumble (b) succumb (c) comb (d) lamb 
9. /h/ (a) honest (b) honorary (c) hang (d) heir 
10. /f/ (a)visit (b) phobia (c) dough (d) bough 
11. /ei/ (a) height (b) eight (c) up (d) down 
12. /eə/ (a) dream (b) beam (c) fair (d) pat 
13. /iə/ (a) pain (b) tie (c) that (d) here 
14. /ai/ (a) firm (b) fine (c) pain (d) tame 
15. /ei/ (a) table (b) fish (c) blue (d) due 
16. laurel (a) laugh (b) spot (c) aunt (d) panel 
17. deep (a) seize (b) dip (c) basket (d) foreign 
18. touch (a) torch (b) soup (c) trouble (d) louvre 
19. writhe (a) bit (b) raid (c) built (d) eye 
20. Key (a)hat (b) ballet (c) quay (d) pack 
21. nurse (a) perfume (b) suit (c) country (d) rude 
22. leisure (a) receive (b) police (c) peasant (d) reign 
23. tyre (a) fire (b) tight (c) there (d) pure
24. choice (a) voice (b) owl (c) sound (d) secure 
25. figure (a) manicure (b) sluice (c) pure (d) clue 
26. Cook (a) Wood (b) Would (d) rude (d) blood 
 27. Work (a) warm (b) worm (c) pork (d) walk 
28. Driver (a) tortoise (b) goat (c) five (d) bite 
29. Buy (a) chilly (b) bully (c) built (d) mild 
30. Love     (a) ransom (b) come (c) sew (d) about 
31. Tour (a) your (b) boo (c) poor (d) sore 
32. Owl (a) howl (b)bowl (c) tour (d) low 
33. Mete (a) bet (b) thread (c) bite (d) feet 
34. Bus (a) rough (b) coup (c) put (d) rout

From the words lettered A-D choose the one that has the correct stress

35. (a)  CANdidate b.  canDIdate c. candiDATE     d.  None 

36. A.  acTIvate          b. ACtivate      c. actiVATE        d. None

37. A. postuLATE b. POStulate c. posTUlate     d. None

38. A. FORtunate b. forTUnate c. fortuNATE     d.     d. None

39. A.economIC (b) EConomic (c) ecOnomic (d) ecoNOMic

40. (a) CALculation (b) calCUlation (c)  calcuLAtion (d) calculaTION

Choose the word that rhymes with the given word .

41.  averse  (a)  rehearse  (b) revise  (c) reverts (d) reviews

42. mountain (a) country (b) fountain (c) bounty (d) contain

43. tension  (a) season  (b) prison  (c) equation  (d) mention

44. father  (a) platter  (b) further (c) rather  (d) later

45. labour  (a) cater  (b) neighbour (c) mirror  (d) terror

In each of the following , choose the one that has the correct stress .

46. recuperate  (a). RE-cu-pe-rate (b) re-CU-pe-rate (c). re-cu-PE-rate (d). re-cu-pe-RATE

47. ambassador  (a). am-BAS-sa-dor (b) am-bas-SA-dor (c) am-bas-sa-DOR  (d) AM-bas-sa-dor

48. stupidity   (a). stu-PI-di-ty   (b). STU-pi-di-ty (c). stu-pi-DI-ty  (d). stu-pi-di-TY

49. resurrection  (a). re-sur-rec-TION  (b). RE-sur-rec-tion (c). re-SUR-rec-tion (d). re-sur-REC-tion

50. . advertisement  (a) ad-ver-TISE-ment  (b). ad-ver-tise-MENT (c). ad-VER-tise-ment (d). AD-ver-tise-ment

In the following options lettered A-D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern . Identify the one with the different stress pattern.

51. (a). commit  (b). compare (c). complete (d). column
52. .(a) afraid  (b). allow (c). always  (d).  attempt
53. (a) decision (b). continue (c). plantation (d). continent
54. (a). monitor (b). register (c) possible (d). promotion
55. (a) leader  (b). Judgement (b). money  (c). report

In each of the following sentences ,the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters.

56. Last week's football match was very EXCITING.   (a). Was  yesterday's football match very exciting?  (b)Was last week's tennis match very exciting? (c). Was last week's football match very dull? (d). Was last year's football match very exciting?
57. Mary stole the History teacher's pen.  (a) Did Aminat steal the History teacher's pen?  (b) Did Mary borrow the History teacher's pen?  (c). Did Mary steal the Geography teacher's pen? (d). Did Mary steal the History teacher's book?
58. My FATHER arrived from London yesterday.  (a) Did my mother arrive from London yesterday?   (b). Did my father leave for London yesterday?  (c). Did my father arrive from Accra yesterday?  (d) Did his father arrive from London yesterday?
59. The judge CAUTIONED the prosecution witness?  (a) Who cautioned the prosecution witness?  (b). Did the judge praise the prosecution witness?  (c) Did the judge caution the defense witness? (d) Did the judge caution the prosecution counsel?
60. Our SCHOOL won the debating competition.   (a). Did our club win the debating competition?  (b). Did our school lose the debating competition?  (c). Did your school win the debating competition? (d) Did our school win the swimming competition?


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