Stress Patterns
In this lesson, we will explain the morphophonemic approach at identifying a stressed syllable. In this approach, stress placement is determined as a result of the occurrence and arrangement of vowels (short, long, diphthongs) and consonants in syllables.
A (i) For two syllable vowels, simple adjectives, adverbs and prepositions,
Stress the first syllable when the second syllable contains a short vowel and one or a final consonant. E.g. ENter, ENvy, Open, Equal.
However, a two syllable verb that ends in the diphthong (әu) is stressed on the first syllable
If the last syllable contains a long vowel, diphthong or more than our consonant stress it. If the last syllable contains a short vowel or not more one consonant stress the second syllable e.g. resuRRECT, enterTAIN, enCOUNTER, deTERmine
B (i) Nouns of two syllables
Stress the first syllable if the second syllable contains a short vowel otherwise stress the second e.g. MOney, PROduct, LArynx, eSTATE, balLOON, deSIGN.
(ii) Nouns of three syllables
If the last syllable contains a short vowel or the diphthong /әu/, it receives no stress. If the middle syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong or ends with more than one consonant, that middle syllable is stressed e.g. poTAto, diSASter, boNANza, syNOPsis, diSASter, apPOINTment.
If the last syllable contains a short vowel and contains not more than one consonant, stress the first syllable e.g. QUANtity, EXercise, CUStody, SCHOlarship, EMperor, CInema.
Identify 3 guidelines for identifying a stressed syllable.