LITERARY TERMS By: Dinzei Maureen

Literary terms are devices used to make writing better. These help the writer tell a story or make a point.
Examples of Literary terms include:
1. Characterization: This refers to the way the author presents his characters in terms of qualities peculiar to them. This may be through narration, description, dialogues, speeches etc. We could have major and minor characters in a play. 
2. Major character: A character that features prominently or throughout a play or prose e.g. Joseph in “Village Boy” Agbalowomeri and Justice Faderin are also major characters in “The Incorruptible Judge”
3. Minor character: A character that features less prominently in a work of fiction.  
4. Theme: This refers to the central or main idea that is discussed in a work of fiction. It is the major message in the work. The themes of hard work, courage and humility are discussed in the “Village Boy”; the theme of corruption in “The Incorruptible judge”
5. Plot: This is the organization of events in a literary work. The organization is done following the principle of cause and effect. A plot could either be linear or complex.
6. Setting: This refers to the totality of the environment of a story. It refers to the period, place, situation, atmosphere, etc, of a story.
7. Comic Relief: This is a comic element inserted in a tragic work to relieve tension.
8. Flashback: This is a scene in a play, film or novel that shows an event which had happened earlier.
Write short notes on the following:
a. Casts
b. Acts and Scenes
c. Foreshadowing
d. Allegory


Casts-casts is a throw (some thing)
Forcefully in a specified direction.
Acts-take action do something.
Sense-any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell,taste,or touch, by which human and animal perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.
Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a written give an advance hint of
What is to come later in the story

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