DIPHTHONGS A diphthong is a sequence of two vowel sounds. This means that in order to produce a diphthong, the tongue glides (moves) from the position of a pure vowel into the position of another pure vowel. Diphthongs are eight in number and they include: 1. Diphthong/ei/: To pronounce this sound, there is a move from vowel /e/ to /I/. It's spelling forms include: a - sadism, rad ia tion, d a ta, etc. ai - f ai l, n ai l, s ai l, etc. ay - d ay , l ay , s ay , etc. ei - ei ght, f ei gn, r ei gn, etc. ey , ob ey , pr ey , etc. 2 . Vowel /əʊ/: To pronounce this sound, there is a movement from/ ə / to /u/. It's spelling forms are: o - g o , n o , p o le, etc. oa -b oa t, s oa p, c oa t, etc. ou - s ou l, m ou ld, etc. ow -sl ow , bl ow , fl ow , etc. 3 .Diphthong /ai/: To pronounce this sound, there is a movement from vowel /a/ to vowel /I/ . It's spelling forms are: e -eye, etc. i - time, fine, shine, etc. ie -lie, pie, tie, etc. igh - lig...