Do you know that Soya beans can cure cancer?

                   Soya Beans  By: Dinzei Maureen

Soya beans belong to the family of legumes and are considered to be rich in protein. Raw soya beans can be prepared in so many ways to enjoy the variety of nutrients in it. Soya beans are used in products such as Soya milk, soya flour, soya soup and other products for human consumption.

Health Benefits of Soya Beans

It prevents heart attack/ stroke: The fiber content in soya beans can work towards decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in the body. The fatty acid found in soya beans can also help to reduce blood pressure.
It fights cancer: Soya beans is very rich in antioxidants which help in neutralizing the free radicals present in the body that results in cancer.
It helps the digestive process: The fiber found in soya beans help the body regulate the digestive process and eliminate the toxins from the body. Intake of soya beans can also stop stomach constipation and diarrhea.
It regulates blood circulation: Soya beans is rich in iron and copper which is extremely important in the production of healthy red blood cells.
It reduces the risk of congenital disabilities in pregnant women: Soya beans is rich in Vitamin B Complex and folic acid which is very essential for pregnant women.

To get soya bean products in liquid and powdered form contact Pat on 08034549539.


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